We are delighted to offer you a placement on our fully funded Health & Wellbeing Cancer Rehabilitation Programme.
Our physical activity programme is designed to aid cancer pre/rehabilitation by improving your physical, mental health and wellbeing which will help to improve the quality of life.
The first step is to book your initial consultation with Dave Bolton, who will discuss your diagnosis, restrictions, treatment plan and any medical history. This will allow Dave to then create a tailored rehabilitation plan to support you at this stage of your journey and assign you to your Cancer Rehabilitation Specialist Coach.
Please click on the below link to view Dave's diary and book your zoom consultation at a time suitable for you. The duration of this online zoom consultation will be approximately 1 - 1.5 hours and you will need to have the following information ready for the call:
Details of your diagnosis, treatment plan, doctor details and medical team
Full medical history
Current medications and supplementation
Physical restrictions and physical wellbeing
Mental health details and support network